Legal Advice Blogs

Using the Statute of Limitations to Your Advantage in Mass Tort Cases

Navigating the statute of limitations is an important aspect of mass tort cases. The statute of...

Zantac Recall: Cancer Victims Seek Justice and Compensation

In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the safety of the popular heartburn...

Victims of Uber and Lyft Rideshare Assault Win Significant Compensation

In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the safety of ridesharing services such as...

The Media’s and the Public’s Perception of Mass Tort Cases

In mass tort cases, the media’s and the public’s impact can be crucial since it can...

Knowing the Fundamentals of Mass Tort Lawsuits

A sort of legal action called a mass tort is launched by a lot of people who have been hurt by a...

The Importance of Hiring an Experienced Mass Tort Lawyer

Hiring a professional mass tort lawyer is essential for anybody contemplating a mass tort claim...

Common Mass Tort Case Types: Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and More

Mass tort lawsuits can take many various forms, and each one presents its own unique set of legal...

COVID-19’s Impacts on Mass Tort Litigation

In a variety of respects, the COVID-19 epidemic has had a profound influence on mass tort claims...

The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

The Volkswagen emissions scandal, often known as “Dieselgate,” involved Volkswagen AG...